Subject: HORNET: Hornet Scenario Edito... Author: (H.M. Swartjes) Uploaded By: Ranchoth Date: 10/29/1996 File: Hornet Scenario Editor 1.02.sit (26898 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33696 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 478 Equipment: Mac Needs: Hypercard/Hypercard Player Keywords: Graphic Simulations, Hornet And if you have not yet bought the full version of the game, (what are you waiting for, by the way,) how would you like it to play all six training missions of the demo with opponents and the weapons of your choice? All this and more is possible with the Hornet Scenario Editor. Open the Hornet data file, choose one of the 6 scenario's of the demo or one of the 40 scenario's of the full version and start working on it. And if you make a particularly nice scenario, save it as a scenario file and distribute it to others, or load a scenario that someone else has written. HSE is completely free. You are free to use it, to copy it, to give it away or to use the code as an inspiration for a really great version 2 of the editor. HSE is written in HyperCard 2.2, with a few basic XCMD's written in good old Think Pascal. The scripts are unprotected, if only sparsely commented, so by all means, have a look at it. I wouldn't mind seeing the same plethora of editing and DIY programs and scenarios